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Song Review - Imagine

Instead of merely becoming an "ex-Beatle", John Lennon set out to pave his own path in a solo career which focused on more delicate topics and subjects that the Beatles didn't (or perhaps wouldn't) formerly cover. Becoming a member of the anti-war movements of the 1970's, Lennon found himself in the political spotlight as the world wanted to hear his take on things such as Vietnam, drugs, and any and everything of the 70's.

Contrary to the Beatles' popular new rock n' roll vibe, Imagine has a more folk and country feel to it which paints a picture as to how Lennon's career curtailed after his life with the Beatles. The song “Imagine” is perhaps the most recognizable and universally appealing song John Lennon ever released. It has become the anthem of “peace” for generations, with it’s Garden of Eden-esque quality and a child-like or even animal-like interaction with the surrounding environment, where there is no danger and nothing to fear. It is technically stunning in it’s simplicity but not as deep as the rest of the album.

Even still, Imagine invokes a response in everyone who listens and prompts the question, "how can I move forward if I don't know which way I'm facing". A lot can be said about this song even in today's society where war is just another thing we face every day. Many people tend to stay away from truly diving into the content of the song because of its almost "anti-religion" feel. And perhaps rightfully so. "Imagine there's no heaven...imagine there's no religion." Those statements would make even the most fundamental religious believer shiver. But even so, I don't believe Lennon is trying to bash religion.

Instead, Lennon wants us to take a step back from everything - possessions, war, heritage, and yes, religion - and to focus on what it truly means to be human and to live in harmony with those around us. Now I know this blog isn't a self-help blog, but I think we could all use a little peace and harmony. In a world becoming increasingly self-centered and filled with instant gratification, imagine what it would be like to take a step back and love those around us and cherish the life that we have. That is what Lennon imagines.

I'm uploading the song Imagine, but it's actually sung by the late Chris Cornell who does a masterful performance on the song and truly captures the pain and peace that Lennon feels with the lyrics which cannot always be captured on a recorded album. Enjoy.

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